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Recent studies indicate that 99% of men regularly view pornography.

  •  Pornography is a factor in 67% of divorces. 

  • Our next generation shows little to no concern over viewing pornography and so the lethal grab it has on society can only be expected to get worse.

In the church...

  • 64% of Christian men regularly view pornography.


The demographics using pornography the most is ages 25-34 --  the age of many married fathers with young families, funds are tightest for this group in need. YOU can help by contributing to the cost of Discipleship Coaching-- the one on one help our brothers need.

The Time is Now

to start talking about this issue and discipling men to a point of spiritual transformation; a point where men are not trying to avoid or control their sin but, where they no longer want to take part in what has been called the New Narcotic.


Please join the battle by contributing a one time or monthly gift to Iron on Iron.

  _$25.00 $50.00 $100.00 _ Other 

Iron on Iron is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 

All donations are tax deductible

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